Vayan Subiendo!

"Vayan Subiendo!" is a video documentary series highlighting the history of the Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail. The phrase “Vayan Subiendo” is loosely translated as “Mount Up!” - something Anza would call out each morning to ready the colonists for the day's march. Designed to supplement the historical narrative in Web de Anza's primary source documents, the videos in this series will showcase specific historical events, key individuals, and important themes related to Anza's two 18th century expeditions from northern New Spain (now Mexico) to northern California, leading to the founding of San Francisco. Vayan Subiendo! will offer a broad interpretive history of the Anza Trail, using documentary videos to help explain the motives for its establishment, as well as the impact the trail had on the people who participated in its creation - the Spanish military leaders, the colonists, and the indigenous Americans whose land the trail passed through.